Surprise Vow Renewal, Chris and Ashley – Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden Portland

I met Chris, Ashley and their sweet daughter Beau a few months ago. I even met them again for another photo session with grandparents a few weeks after that. (I say this was all a few months ago, but it might have been six months ago. I feel like they are good friends by now so time between our visits just seems shorter these days!) Ashley wanted to surprise Chris with a vow renewal and once I heard about this I nearly jumped off my chair. I knew she would plan it perfectly and beautifully. She blindfolded Chris at home – he didn’t even see her get dressed up. They arrived at Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden where myself and cellist Sonja were waiting for them in the sprinkling rain under the beautiful bridge. She played very, very beautifully and Chris was truly surprised by everything!

While I gave them their space and privacy while clicking away, I did hear some of their vows and what they said to each other. It was truly touching and they are wonderful people!

I’m so glad Ashley let me in this big secret surprise. I love surprises AND this family.


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