Lalo Salon, Hawthorne, Sunnyside, Southeast Portland

I had such a special experience photographing Lalo Salon with Kimo a few weekends ago. In the middle of the climate-fire tragedies on the west coast, we found a moment to breathe some new life into the salon. Kimo was looking for another stylist to join the space and wanted to show clients the new look. Fresh photos were needed right away to get things going. It’s so important to create the time to take care of yourself and your projects/dreams, even when the hope around you can seem so lost. The rain came to Portland finally and our lives are much safer and healthier than what they were weeks ago.

Lalo is a beautiful, clean, and tranquil salon. I tried to capture the quiet, true feeling of the space. Now let’s get back to taking very good care of ourselves.


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