Tualatin Family Photographer, Welcoming Ireland

I have to share some thoughts today, ones that just need to come out. The past few months have been, in one word, a whirlwind. My mom was losing her battle with cancer and I couldn’t fathom how quickly it would happen. Mostly I thought I would have more time, and more. But it ran out. When I got back home, after leaving my dad alone which was so hard, Daniel and I started getting ready to sell our house. For me it was also a way to keep my mind busy. And during all of this time, I fell off of the radar with many of my friends and what’s going on in their lives. I know at least six new mommies, and second time mommies – all in July. And then I had to think about how to get myself back on track, to keep my own little family strong and going into the right direction.

Photography always helps me do that. I photographed a beautiful and quite magical family today. (Whether they realize it or not, being in the whirlwind of life afterall.) Spending time with them today helped to ground me again, as it was the first photo session I’ve had since my mom died. It is clear, each day, that the beauty of life goes on in many precious ways. It can be hard to capture happiness when you are grieving. I’ll learn each time how to do it better, and better. It’s a long journey ahead, but there is much comfort in knowing that photographing the journeys of my clients can bring joy to both of us. There’s always my lens, there’s always love, and we will always be searching for light together.

Today Shannon shared with me that they named their daughter, Ireland, because her husband proposed while they were in Ireland and they have Irish roots too. I still feel very lucky that I was able to visit Ireland to photograph the wedding for Jennifer and Chris a few years ago (and now they have two beautiful girls). As a couple, they are strong and kindhearted and I think of them often still! The connections are always coming through and they make perfect sense! When I met Ireland today, I could sense that she was a strong and sweet soul who will go far. Her parents will make sure of that, I can tell. Thank you for letting me capture this piece of your lives today.


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